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Misingi ya Ushauri
Misingi ya Ushauri
15,00 € *
From Mission to church
From Mission to church
Do you have any idea of what God?s feet look like? They overcome the most rugged mountain ranges and dense jungles, cross raging rivers or sun-baked plains of high kunai grass and they bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people in...
15,90 € *
Witness and Effort
Witness and Effort
Sprach: Englisch Around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Berlin Mission Society (BMS) started activities in the Morogoro area. Weitnauer's work explores how the first missionaries lived on the mission stations and understood...
12,00 € *
Chagga Concepts of Disability
Chagga Concepts of Disability
Sprache: Englisch This study investigates and analyses the concept of disability among the Chagga community, a group that lives near the slopes of Kilimanjaro Mountain in the northern part of Tanzania. This work examines the beliefs,...
10,00 € *
Zäme uf d Reis
Zäme uf d Reis
15,90 € *
Di verschwundene Rentier
Di verschwundene Rentier
I däm Buech gits neui Wiehnachtsgschichte u axtra churzi Samichlousegschichte. Si eigne sich prächtig zum Voorläse. D Samichlaus Land uf Land ab schätzes unerchannt, we si uf ihrem Cheer dörfe e Gschicht us ihrem Läbe verzeue.
15,90 € *
Oldies um Mitternacht
Oldies um Mitternacht
15,90 € *
Fe y Esperanza
Fe y Esperanza
29,00 € *
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