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Golden Asset
Golden Asset
Wir begegnen faszinierenden Menschen, fremde Länder bekommen ein Gesicht. Godson Maanga bringt uns in seinen Erzählungen seine Heimat Tansania nahe. Märchen und Fabeln führen uns nach Tansania und in die Anden.
9,00 € *
Jesus, Our Destiny
Jesus, Our Destiny
Jesus our destiny - this was the central theme of Wilhelm Buschs long ministry in Germany as pastor and youth leader, itinerant evangelist and author. He was convinced that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary message of...
9,90 € *
The Question of Identity - Chinese Lutheran Christians in West Malaysia
The Question of Identity - Chinese Lutheran...
This dissertation researches the identities of Chinese Christians in West Malaysia who are members of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM). Most of them are first-generation Christians and have turned from Chinese religious and secular...
39,90 € *
Towards an Inclusive Ecclesiology
Towards an Inclusive Ecclesiology
What makes a church the church? This question has been well answered in the Lutheran tradition. However, as the living embodiment of Christ's promised Word and grace, we must constantly reflect on what the church's existence means and...
18,50 € *
When god writes to you - Son Edition
When god writes to you - Son Edition
Jeder wünscht sich bedingungslos geliebt zu werden. Doch leider spüren oder erleben das nicht alle. Wobei aus Annahme und grenzenloser Liebe wirkliche Freiheit, Dankbarkeit und wiederum Liebe für andere entsteht. Was wäre nun, wenn der...
18,00 € *
Jesus notre destin
Jesus notre destin
Jesus unser Schicksal - das war das von Pastor Wilhelm Busch gewählte Generalthema seiner ganzen Verkündigung. Er war mit großer Freude Jugendpfarrer in Essen, aber als leidenschaftlicher Prediger des Evangeliums auch immer wieder...
5,90 € *
15,00 € *
Glauben & Leben
Glauben & Leben
29,00 € *
Reflecting Reformation and the Call for
Reflecting Reformation and the Call for
The texts in this book show the way in which the impulses emanating from reformatory theology are reflected" in different contexts and how reformation theology has been further developed in the international context. Indeed, the...
19,80 € *
The Ghost Town
The Ghost Town
What is God's present view of our world - or of our life and our Christianity? What is the strategy and nature of evil? The author takes us on an imaginary journey, during which, in a series of illuminating events, Jesus Christ explains...
12,00 € *
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