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The Brethren Movement Worldwide
The Brethren Movement Worldwide
Brüdergemeinden aus 61 Ländern stellen sich vor. Herausgegeben anlässlich der IBCM4 (Internationale Konferenz der Brüdergemeinden) 2007 in Wiedenest/Deutschland.
9,95 € *
Jesus And Leadership
Jesus And Leadership
10,00 € *
Anabaptism and Mission
Anabaptism and Mission
What is mission and what are the distinctives of the church in mission? As we look at the twenty-first century church continuing the mission for which it was commissioned by its Lord, a conference designed to pick up and learn from the...
19,90 € *
Mission In The Former Soviet Union
Mission In The Former Soviet Union
Evangelikale Mission und Evangelisation in der früheren Sowjetunion ist das Thema dieses Bandes - in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Mitherausgeber Walter W. Sawatsky ist Professor of Church History and Mission und Director of the Mission...
16,90 € *
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